“Board Refreshment: Does It Matter and How Can We Achieve It?

April 2019

Replay our latest webinar – Board Refreshment: Does It Matter and How Can We Achieve It?

Board refreshment among public issuers continues to be a topic of interest for CCGG members. A high functioning board requires both directors with deep experience and institutional knowledge of the organization, and directors with fresh perspectives on existing and emerging risks and opportunities.

This webinar focuses on the importance of board refreshment, the various methods for achieving board renewal, their pros and cons and the implications for issues such as enhancing board diversity.


  • Patrice Merrin, Director, Glencore plc, Kew Media Group and Samuel, Son & Co. 
  • Alexander Dyck, Professor of Finance and Economic Analysis and Policy, Manulife Chair in Financial Services, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
  • Peter Simon, Partner, Regional Leader, Canada and Practice Leader, North American Financial Services, Spencer Stuart


  • Catherine McCall, Executive Director, CCGG

To replay the webinar, click here: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=1966983&sessionid=1&key=1461B93871C9CAD384E762DA37E180E2&sourcepage=register. Please note, this webinar is accessible to members only.