Who We


Who We Are

The Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG) is the pre-eminent corporate governance organization in Canada uniquely positioned to effect change as the voice of institutional shareholders that invest in Canadian public equities.



We produce company-specific research, frequent and timely webinars, and a monthly governance newsletter exclusively for our Members




Representing 51 major institutional investors who collectively manage approximately $5.5 trillion in assets, we are the voice of the investor, promoting good governance practices at Canadian public companies



We frequently engage with the boards of Canadian public companies and with Canadian regulators on governance matters that are of interest to our Members


The benefits of becoming a Member

Are you an
institutional investor?

Learn more on how to become a member and have your voice heard as a shareholder

Are you a Director?

Access our publications to learn more about how to engage with us

Best Practices

Our 2023 Best Practices for Proxy Circular Disclosure is now online

Gavel Awards

CCGG congratulates TransAlta Corporation for winning the 2020 Governance Gavel Award