As part of our mission, CCGG proactively works to identify and press for change in laws and regulations in need of reform. We regularly survey our Members for their views on key governance issues, and this input informs the work we prioritize in the near term.
CCGG has issued publications in the following areas of corporate governance. Each publication was developed in consultation with our Members.
- Break Fees
- Building High Performance Boards
- CCGG Investor Perspective: Say on Climate Voting in 2022
- Investor Perspective - 2024 Look Back: Gildan Activewear: A corporate governance case study
- Director Compensation Policy
- The Directors’ E&S Guidebook
- Dual Class Share Policy
- Empty Voting Position Statement
- Engagement by Boards with Shareholders
- Executive Compensation
- Gender Diversity Policy
- Governance Differences of Equity Controlled Corporations
- Governance Monitoring, Voting and Shareholder Engagement
- Governance of Canadian REITs and Other Public Income Trusts: Model Declaration of Trust Provisions
- Majority Voting
- Management-Shareholder Alignment: Effective Equity Ownership Policies
- National Securities Regulator
- Proxy Access Policy
- PSUs: CCGG Position Statement
- ‘Say on Pay’
- Shareholder Involvement in the Director Nomination Process: Enhanced Engagement and Proxy Access
- Statement on Full and Clear Disclosure in Financial Reporting
- Stewardship Principles
- Universal Proxy Policy
- Use of non-GAAP performance measures in Executive Compensation
- Virtual Shareholder Meeting Policy
Each publication was developed in consultation with our members and experts in the related field.